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Insights & Solutions

August 2015 Tool

This Clinic Design Post Occupancy Evaluation Toolkit is self-administered and provides a way to collect a variety of data on the physical enviornment, subjective perception of users, and objective healthcare outcomes.

May 2016 Interview

Learn about: the importance of cultural fit in choosing technology, the ways equipment and operational conversations go hand-in-hand, and planning for today while looking toward the future.

August 2015 Tool

Developed through extensive review of research, surveys, site tests, and review and validation by expert advisory council members, this standard set of evidence-based design checklists and post-occupancy evaluation (POE) tools can be used by interior designers to apply research to healthcare design projects and to conduct post-occupancy evaluations of three types of hospital patient rooms: adult medical-surgical, adult intensive care, and maternity care.

Design Strategies
September 2015 Design Strategies

While discussion of facility design and healthcare reform often focuses on the patient experience of noise and cleanliness as measured by the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey, design is also a factor in reform-based outcome targets.  


Design Strategies
February 2015 Design Strategies

Healthcare reform has continually focused on several aspects of the patient experience. The patient experience domain (as measured through HCAHPS — the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) includes three metrics that are used to evaluate patient perceptions about communication: doctor-patient, nurse-patient, and communication surrounding medications.



Design Strategies
May 2014 Design Strategies

HCAHPS scores related to noise in the hospital environment are typically among the lowest. Acoustic intervention packages implemented by healthcare organizations are often a combination of built environment and operational measures.