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Insights & Solutions

Project Brief
April 2017 Project Brief

Learn about: evidence-based design solutions to address throughput challenges in today’s overcrowded emergency departments, the importance of aligning research design with organizational operations and processes for successful research, and the advantages of basing research methods on previous studies. 

Project Brief
April 2017 Project Brief

Learn about: unique ways that a pediatric replacement hospital leverages its small urban footprint to meet the high demand for ED services, why locating the emergency department on the second floor was the most efficient way to use limited space, and how a three-pod design enables the ED to flex at different times of day for varying levels of demand.

April 2017 Interview

Learn about: how the aging of the population contributes to overcrowding in EDs today, why some hospitals are creating ED areas specifically for seniors, with enhanced lighting, non-slip flooring, and other safety features, the need for Clinical Decision Units to provide a place for emergency patients who require a longer stay in order to free up space in the ED, and the challenges that behavioral health and chemical dependency patients pose to EDs, and how best to address these issues.

April 2017 Interview

Learn about: some of the biggest logistical challenges impacting emergency care delivery, design strategies to address emergency department throughput, and ways that scenario planning can help healthcare organizations prepare for future ED volumes and needs.

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April 2017 Webinar

This webinar provides an overview of population health and the relationship to design, provide case study examples, and demonstrate the functionality of this new resource. With support from the Kresge Foundation, The Center for Health Design developed a standardized healthcare facility evaluation tool that aids ambulatory design to support population health. 

April 2017 Interview

Learn about: the importance of using durable products and finishes in senior living environments, the key to designing a functional and effective senior living environment, and how manufacturers, designers, and industry leaders collaborate to improve the lives of the aging population.

April 2017 Related Resource

This list of resources is made of up of articles, books, policies, organizations, and more, related to the impact of aging. Use this list to learn more about this topic.

Lessons Learned
April 2017 Lessons Learned

The following are compiled from research literature, case studies, interviews, and other materials to provide an overview on the topic of aging populations.  

Design Strategies
April 2017 Design Strategies

These design strategies have been identified in the current evidence-based design literature as supporting efficient emergency department (ED) throughput. These are best reviewed at the very beginning of a project to assess the “fit” of each strategy within your unique ED organization. Design teams should work with ED leadership to ensure that these goals are integrated into the final design.

March 2017 Webinar

This webinar covers pioneering models for healthy living and healthcare, including examples from the village movement, healthcare at home, and multigenerational day care. As people live longer, managing the needs of the aging population is more important than ever. But the needs of the aging population – love, safety, health and wellness, the pursuit of happiness – are the same for any person at any age.