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Insights & Solutions

Member Project
June 2020 Member Project

Unicel provided Vision Control sliding doors for Mount Sinai's renovation and upgrade of inpatient units, including intensive care spaces for cardiac patients. This included plans for 14 private rooms and a mandate to enhance both patient environments and provide more accessible and efficient nursing care. A key architectural element was to add sliding doors, because they operate easily and automatically. However, they also move incessantly, especially in ICUs where critical patients require constant care from nursing stations. Because of this, it was essential for these doors to maintain desired positioning at all times, without causing additional noise that could hinder patient recovery.


June 2020 Podcast

In part 2 of this podcast,  Mary Frazier talks about new technology that is greatly assisting in the battle against COVID-19 and Hospital Acquired Infections.

June 2020 Podcast

Learn why patients have now become afraid to go to the hospital with empty Emergency Departments a growing concern among hospitals. How can the healthcare design professional help hospitals begin to rebuild trust and bring their patients back?

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June 2020 Webinar

In this webinar, clinical professionals responsible for the operation of these facilities will discuss the many challenges and changes affecting FSEDs and micro-hospitals, as well as how a new model for design aids in regulatory compliance and patient access strategies of providers.

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June 2020 Webinar

 In this webinar you will learn how two health systems are changing the way they design and build their facilities using simulation and technology along with modular and prefabricated products and components. With these changes there is a need to break down silos and improve collaboration in the project delivery process to enable this disruption to occur within the industry. Attend this webinar to gain their perspectives and how they are implementing these changes within the two organizations.   

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June 2020 Webinar

The healthcare industry and the built environment that supports it continues to be challenged in these unprecedented times and has seen the evolution of innovative care practices, solutions, and settings. As portions of the country have begun easing shut downs and others have not, a lot has been learned in a short amount of time. Join this panel of industry leaders for a dynamic and frank discussion about what we’ve seen and where we are headed. 

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June 2020 Webinar

Imagine your home as a place for regeneration and a sanctuary for healing the wounds of the outside world.  It is clean, not cluttered and unmanageable.  It prevents disease and injury and restores you when the inevitable occurs.  It regenerates you on a daily basis, supporting good sleep, encouraging exercise, and making it fun to do healthy cooking.   That’s a lot to ask of a house, but it can be done.  Award winning interior designer, Cynthia Leibrock, presents “Design Details for Health” (the title of her lastest book).  Take a virtual one-hour tour of the designer’s home which has been featured on the cover of The New York Times. 

June 2020 Podcast

In part 2 of  Rachel Gutter, President of the IWBI's interview, hear about the IWBI’s new Task Force---with more than 250 members---whose goal is to help reduce the health burden of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections in the built environment.

June 2020 Podcast

Rachel Gutter, President of the International WELL Building Institute, describes how the IWBI is leading the global movement to transform our buildings, communities and organizations in ways that help people thrive.

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May 2020 Webinar

These have certainly been unprecedented times in the healthcare industry, challenging existing healthcare best practices and the built environment that supports them. A lot has been learned in a short amount of time. Join this panel of industry leaders for a dynamic and frank discussion about what we’ve seen and where we are headed, including:  

What immediate challenges were confronted? What solutions were implemented? How has innovation emerged out of necessity? What immediate observations were made and lessons learned?