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Insights & Solutions

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February 2017 Webinar

This webinar describes a study that identified features in the physical environment that impact staff and patients in psychiatric environments and a research tool that was developed to evaluate the design of mental and behavioral health facilities. Pursuant to a broad literature review, researchers conducted 19 interviews with psychiatric staff, facility administrators and architects. Interview data was analyzed using a highly structured qualitative data analysis process. 

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January 2017 Webinar

This webinar illustrates how the AIA's six evidence-based approaches to healthy building design were used as a framework to develop innovative and sustainable healthy workplace goals and strategies for The St. Francis Millennium Cancer Center. Presenters share key performance indicators to measure success. A healthy building checklist is also shared with participants along with post-occupancy evaluation data collection results. 

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January 2017 Webinar

This webinar provides practical tips for searching for, evaluating, and using evidence in the design process. The speakers discuss how to use evidence in design decisions, how to measure the effect of your design on outcomes, and how to share a projects’ findings as evidence for others to use in EBD.

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December 2016 Webinar

This webinar looks at these projects and delivers a thoughtful retrospective on what has worked well (and less well), the types of relationships between the internationally known designers and associate architects, and offers a glimpse into what the healthcare clients were hoping to achieve with these high-profile commissions.

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November 2016 Webinar

In this webinar learn how designing a healthcare environment that serves as a memorable and engaging “third place” supports patients and their family through their journey, while delivering engaging narratives about the values of the organization.

September 2016 Webinar

This webinar provides a glimpse into how innovative providers can change that paradigm by integrating new models and technology into their memory caregiving, activities, and building design. Learn from experts in architecture and technology, and walk away with a blueprint of how to make technology come alive in your community.

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September 2016 Webinar

In this webinar explore how art can be a useful tool in hospitals—much more than mere decoration. It can be used to reduce patient stress and increase patient satisfaction. Art can also help with wayfinding and building the hospital brand. 

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September 2016 Webinar

In this webinar explore how the Green Road Project creates a half-mile long green corridor and wheelchair path and a 1.7-acre central woodland healing garden through the campus of Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. The goal is to bring the healing benefits of nature to U.S. service members and their families, particularly those with brain injury and PTSD. 

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September 2016 Webinar

In this webinar explore how the drivers and domains of ACA are focused on patient-centered care, ability to improve quality, and reduce cost of care. In healthcare organizations, flooring represents a significant investment over the life-cycle of the facility, literally underpinning all healthcare delivery activities. 

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September 2016 Webinar

In this webinar explore how an interdisciplinary team of designers, clinicians and data analysts was tasked by Westchester Medical Center to conduct a feasibility study on a local hospital in order to assess the effectiveness of their current facilities and understand existing community perceptions, with the goal of creating a roadmap for future development after a potential merger.