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Insights & Solutions

    August 2014 Webinar

    Behavioral health settings guided by strict safety design measures often result in spaces that are stark, plain, and isolated - potentially exacerbating environmental stressors and escalating already difficult patient situations. Acute care emergency settings have a particular set of challenges as EDs are predicting increased visits from behavioral health patients. Faced with the challenge of designing a behavioral health care setting in the Emergency Department at UnityPoint Health in Rock Island, IL, the project team hypothesized that the creation of a Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) with a “Living Room Concept” would provide a higher quality of care to patients while assisting in the staff’s ability to quickly consult and treat a diverse set of patients entering the ED. 

    EBD Journal Club
    April 2014 EBD Journal Club

    Shepley, M. M., Pasha, S., Ferguson, P., Huffcut, J. C., Kiyokawa, G., & Martere, J. (2013). Design research and behavioral health facilities. The Center for Health Design.