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Insights & Solutions

    Project Brief
    February 2017 Project Brief

    Learn about: How UMCPP accommodates the unique needs of senior citizens through a special ED unit, design features that were included to help older patients and their families better navigate the space, and the hospital’s acute care for the elderly (ACE) unit, and why it is configured to transition senior ED patients for an inpatient stay in the most supportive environment.

    January 2017 Blog

    One of the many significant changes in the healthcare field in recent years is the integration of technology in new and exciting ways. While the latest IT developments bring a variety of benefits to patients of all ages, it’s perhaps the aging population with chronic health concerns who get the most out of the healthcare technology available today.

    Some of the latest innovations that are making a difference for older Americans include:

    January 2017 Blog

    Today, people are living longer than ever before, and many will have greater needs for medical care in their later years. In fact, as baby boomers age, many will be living with chronic health problems requiring a coordinated approach to manage these issues effectively and efficiently.

    January 2017 Blog

    There’s no place like home. That’s why, in the not-too-distant future, many older people will be able to access medical care and services for chronic and acute health conditions from the comfort and convenience of their own residences.  

    December 2016 Interview

    Learn about: the need for current healthcare systems to accommodate a growing number of older Americans, how healthcare needs change as people age, design features that can help older patients feel more at home in an inpatient setting, and how home design can contribute to personal health and satisfaction over time.

    Executive Summary
    November 2016 Executive Summary

    Learn about: the current state of aging and associated health conditions, the alignment between universal design and sustainable design strategies inspired by environments for aging, and universal design models that enable flexible and adaptable spaces to support aging needs and human needs.

    November 2016 Tool

    This tool is meant to support a universal design approach to environments for aging populations. 

    Design Strategies
    November 2016 Design Strategies

    Aging often involves a multitude of changing needs and priorities. However, there are human needs and desires that remain constant throughout the life course. Design strategies for aging must not only address basic physiological and safety needs, but attend to higher-level human needs as well. The universal design approach is being adopted by many forward-thinking designers who aim to support equitable, flexible, and accessible environments for all users.


    Issue Brief
    November 2016 Issue Brief

    As part of the impact of aging toolbox, in this issue brief you will learn about the current state of aging and associated health conditions, the alignment between universal design and sustainable design strategies inspired by environments for aging, and universal design models that enable flexible and adaptable spaces to support aging needs and human needs.

    Project Brief
    November 2016 Project Brief

    Learn about: the homelike model for resident care Riverside Assisted Living Facility Administration wanted to apply, the full-scale mock-ups of the proposed living spaces that launched the project, and the ‘neighborhood’ concept that enables greater resident independence as well as safety.