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Insights & Solutions

    October 2022 Slidecast

    Jiang, S., Allison, D., Duchowski, A. T. (2022). Hospital greenspaces and the impacts on wayfinding and spatial experience: An explorative experiment through immersive virtual environment (IVE) techniques

    Healthcare facilities are notoriously complex spaces, and wayfinding is a common challenge. There is evidence from previous studies that certain design interventions can improve wayfinding, such as environmental cues and clear signage. But people from different backgrounds interpret signage differently, and so we need to think about other ways design can support navigation. Results from this 2022 study by Jiang and colleagues show that visual access to the exterior natural environment seems to help support recognition, orientation, and mood – all of which can set visitors up for better wayfinding, and ultimately – for a better healthcare experience.


    October 2022 Slidecast

    Machry, H., Matić, Z., Oh, Y., DuBose, J. R., Morgan, J. S., Love, K. L., Jacob, J. T., Zimring, C. M. (2022). Healthcare design to improve safe doffing of personal protective equipment for care of patients with COVID-19

    In the early days of the pandemic, infection prevention protocols were focused on the possibility of contact transmission, including intensive efforts to provide and keep personal protective equipment (PPE) clean. Now, more than two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, we have a clear understanding that the main mode of transmission happens via airborne droplets and particles. But contact transmission is still possible, and healthcare leadership must consider how to address contact transmission possibilities from all types of infectious disease. This study gives us good reason to consider standardization, with room for flexibility, in order to support efficient and safe behavior.

    Product / Project Innovation Highlights
    October 2022 Product / Project Innovation Highlights

    Healthy Environments Medella with M-ForceTM Ultra Technology is a homogenous resilient sheet option, installed with welded seams, creating a wall-to-wall impermeable flooring solution that provides superior infection control and moisture resistance for healing spaces.

    Member Project
    September 2022 Member Project

    Following the completion of a comprehensive campus master plan, SmithGroup was engaged to plan and implement a transformative healthcare facility for this 360-bed community hospital, associated with Emory University and the School of Medicine. The new hospital facilities are designed to create a fresh image for the campus, improve internal and external circulation, and provide inpatient and outpatient facilities that support a more efficient and patient-focused care model. The scope included full design deliverables, construction schedules, facility condition assessments, cost estimates and value engineering, low voltage design, medical equipment planning, and IO&T.

    August 2022 Webinar

    The program will then focus on addressing the apparent conflicts by identifying some of the alleged conflicts.  Each conflict will then be discussed in detail looking at current code requirements, changes in more recent editions of the applicable codes, and looking at equivalencies or alternative methods that could be considered.  As with other design considerations, involvement of all the stakeholders will be illustrated as a key factor in achieving an acceptable level of life safety while meeting the needs of the patients and clinical staff in a behavioral health environment.  

    August 2022 Webinar

    Children’s Health Dallas teamed up with Philips and Recornect to create and pilot new ED exam rooms to improve the experience of receiving mental health care in the Emergency Department. By integrating a specialized interactive touchscreen with ambient room technology and therapeutic content, ED exam rooms are transformed into ultra-tunable environments that can help improve care delivery. Patients can rapidly de-escalate, begin therapy faster, and connect with staff in new ways. This webinar will tell the story of their design process, patient outcomes and valuable lessons learned.


    EBD Journal Club
    July 2022 EBD Journal Club

    Madson, M., Goodwin, K. (2021). Health Environments Research & Design Journal. DOI: 10.1177/1937586721994593

    July 2022 Webinar

     This webinar delves into the critical role sound plays in promoting a healthy environment and considers important questions to ask when designing or updating environments for people as they age. The speakers will also share insights gleaned from their applied research to promote health and wellbeing for aging populations (especially those with dementia) and their caregivers. Stay tuned!  

    July 2022 Webinar

    This webinar will discuss what we need to do in the built environment to promote brighter days and darker nights. The presenter will share the latest research in light science and will show examples of applications where a robust 24-hour light and dark scheme in numerous environments improved sleep, mood, and behavior in various older adult populations.  

    June 2022 Webinar

    This webinar will highlight strategies that will help maximize the owner’s benefits and avoid construction challenges, with key tips for seamless integration. Presenters will share findings about the benefits of using bathroom pods from a recent case study from UNC Health.