Firm's role on the project: Planning, Programming, Architecture, Design, Interiors
EBD Goal
Receive feedback from stakeholders in order to determine appropriate artwork styles, themes and color palette; Recommend plan for selection of artwork for areas within Outpatient and Inpatient areas based on feedback from end-users; publish focus group survey results for other Baylor Health Care System cancer facilities in order to create a system-wide artwork program.
Obtaining pool of participants that proportionately represented patient and staff populations of facility and community.
Highlight of interesting results: Overall survey results showed that participants preferred landscape scenes of nature with calm bodies of water and cool colors (i.e., blue, aqua, and green tones). Upon review of participants by county, counties north of Dallas County preferred the impressionistic art style and landscape scenes depicting images outside the regional area. This project is not complete and post-occupancy surveys will be gathered. HAC believes in sharing our resources to improve the evidence-based design body of knowledge. The art survey is available to others for research projects.