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The Center for Health Design
The Center for Health Design - Research in a Snap

APRIL 2024

In this edition . . .

You will find 25 new Knowledge Repository entries from March with links to summaries/abstracts. Download the current edition.


A word from the Research Team . . .

I am fresh off the heels of the Facility Guidelines Institute’s Health Guidelines Revision Committee "all hands" meeting. We worked on the upcoming 2026 editions for the design and construction of Hospital, Outpatient, and Residential Support Facilities. I can’t help but reflect on the many ways we are leveraging the therapeutic potential of the built environment in healthcare settings as well as exercising restraint in building permanent monuments to temporary problems. 

As an environmental gerontologist, I find both of these considerations are especially relevant for older adult patients and residents who have physical and cognitive comorbidities.

The Center for Health Design’s Knowledge Repository (KR) offers a curated repository for evidence-based design resources that includes aging-supportive and dementia-friendly resources like orientation and navigation insights for wayfinding (Morag et al., 2024), patient/resident bathroom functionality (Yuan & Shen, 2023), and optimizing perceptions of spaces and features for individuals with neurodiversity and cognitive impairments (Lorusso et al., 2020).

Improving environments to support aging-related changes isn't like a pie, where the more innovation that is dedicated to one area results in less for the others; rather, it’s like the tide… when one rises up, all others are raised as well. Supporting our most vulnerable benefits everyone.

Addie M Abushousheh, PhD, EDAC, Assoc AIA
Research Associate
The Center for Health Design

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Over 6,220 Citations and 959 Key Point Summaries

Working on a project? Looking for research to support a plan or new ideas to address a challenge? Visit The Center’s user-friendly, FREE library of healthcare design research citations and Key Point Summaries.

Visit the Knowledge Repository

Key Point Summary

Aesthetics and Dementia: Exploring the Role of Everyday Aesthetics in Dementia Care Settings

Fleetwood-Smith and colleagues studied patient reactions to everyday clothing and textiles to identify holistic approaches to dementia care.

Incorporating textile-based aesthetics in dementia care settings might support patient engagement with others and with their environment.

Find the full Key Point Summary in the Knowledge Repository!




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