Behavioral Health Webinar Day | Two Webinars, Open Access
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Behavioral Health Webinar Day

Thursday, April 18, 2024  Duration: 60 minutes each  CEUs available

Webinar 1
10:00 AM PT / 1:00 PM ET

Cardboard Meets AI: Innovative Design Prototyping for Behavioral Health Spaces

How can AI help in designing care environments?

Price: Free



Can we use artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance interactive, hands-on mental health design mock-up exercises?

Could AI help us create more accurate design prototype mock-ups?

The answer is "yes", and this unique webinar will share the powerful design outcomes that can be achieved when artificial intelligence meets cardboard!

For years, the Stantec team has made hands-on, life-sized collaboration a key phase in developing designs, inviting professionals and end users to explore and give feedback to design ideas in real time.

Recently, their design experts explored an experimental design process that combines typical analog mockup with the power of generative AI. This webinar will share their process and explore application of this design concept for two care spaces focused on behavioral health.

See how this approach improves the quality and accuracy of the design, is fast and realistic, builds consensus, deepens stakeholder engagement, and democratizes the design process.

Learn more and register

Webinar 2
12:00 PM PT / 3:00 PM ET

Stronger Together: Inside the Design Process for a Community Model of Behavioral Health Care

Person-centered care focusing on human-centered design.

Price: Free



In response to Washington Governor Jay Inslee’s plan to reform the state’s behavioral health system and improve access to care, an innovative and immersive programming and design process for several new community-based facilities was employed.

At the center of this new care model is a focus on human-centered design, providing spaces and support for patients to truly rehabilitate and prepare to re-enter the community.

This webinar will describe the design process of this unique project, merging the behavioral health expertise of BWBR with the local leadership of BCRA, working together with the Washington Department of Social and Health Services. See how they defined and developed a new model of care for community-based treatment for individuals involuntarily committed by a civil court order for inpatient mental health treatment.

Attendees will explore the benefits of community-based treatment, lessons learned (and applied) after 12 months of occupancy at the first facility completed, and gain insights gathered from surveying facility staff on successes and opportunities that can be applied in the three buildings still under construction.

Learn more and register


Jon Sell
Principal, Senior Medical Planner, Stantec

Stephen Parker, AIA, NOMA, NCARB, LEED AP
Behavioral + Mental Health Planner, Stantec

Brendan Mullins
US West Digital Delivery Leader, Stantec

Melanie Baumhover, AIA, LEED AP
Principal, BWBR

Devan Swiontkowski
Healthcare Planner, BWBR

Dr. Brian Waiblinger, MD
Chief Medical Officer, Department of Social and Health Services & Behavioral Health Administration

Jim Wolch, AIA
Principal, BCRA


Stance BestCare Pineapple Altro Norix
Accurate Moduform Safehinge spec




For over 30 years the non-profit Center for Health Design has led and empowered current and future healthcare owners, clinicians, architects, designers, product & solution providers and other stakeholders in an industry-wide endeavor to maximize health through informed design. 

By providing research, education and community-building to over 30,000 professionals worldwide, The Center drives measurable improvements in health, safety and business outcomes through evidence-based design of the built environment. Explore The Center’s resources, tools and learning opportunities at





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