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The Center for Health Design
The Center for Health Design - Research in a Snap


In this edition . . .

You will find 51 new Knowledge Repository entries from January and February with links to summaries/abstracts. Download the current edition.


A word from the Research Team . . .

As a nurse, I am especially interested in research that informs supportive environments for bedside clinicians. Nurses use their expertise and clinical judgment to provide individualized care and they have recently topped Gallup Poll’s ranking as the most trusted profession for the 22nd consecutive year.

The Center for Health Design’s Knowledge Repository (KR) includes several articles addressing supportive design for clinicians. In 2023 alone, four articles addressing respite rooms for caregivers were added to the KR.

Prendergast and colleagues looked at two types of resilience rooms (both an active and a quiet room) whereas Smith and colleagues examined nurse use of a single restorative breakroom that featured a variety of components to see which features resonated most with staff.

Two other studies recommended that breakrooms for nurses should feature technology including televisions and charging stations, nutrition, relaxing décor, access to nature, ergonomic furniture, options for visual and auditory privacy, lockable doors, and be located near patient care areas (Bosch et al., 2023; Lorusso et al., 2023).

While designers can use such research to inform design decisions, there is also an opportunity to inspire conversations about the importance of organizational and unit culture to ensure designs function as intended.

Yolanda Keys, PhD, DHA, RN, NEA-BC, EDAC
CHD Research Associate

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Over 6,145 Citations and 957 Key Point Summaries

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Key Point Summary

From Stressful to Mindful: Reactions to a Proposed Emergency Department Design for Enhancing Mindfulness and Stress Reduction Among Healthcare Clinical Staff

Valipoor and colleagues used plans from a proposed ED redesign to create a virtual model and collect feedback from ED clinicians about supportive features.

Findings indicate clinicians appreciate intentional design that considers their needs, choice and control, privacy to enhance focus, spatial adjacency, and features that help them support patient family members who are grieving.

Find the full Key Point Summary in the Knowledge Repository!




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