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Behavioral Health Design Workshop
The Center for Health Design
The Center for Health Design - Research in a Snap


In this edition . . .

You will find nearly 50 new Knowledge Repository entries from May and June with links to summaries/abstracts. Download the current edition.

Hot Topic: Design for Dementia – Several new papers focus on the role of the physical environment in the lives of people living with dementia. Studies include a variety of topics including sleep, indoor environmental quality, and dementia special care units.

The Center is still providing free access to our online Behavioral & Mental Health Toolbox and our always-open-access Knowledge Repository containing over 600 resources on behavioral and mental health.

Other topic areas in the Snap include:

  • Experience
  • Safety
  • Care Across the Lifespan
  • Building Systems & Technology
  • Design & Evaluation
Get Research in a Snap



Over 5,900 Citations and 920 Key Point Summaries

Working on a project? Looking for research to support a plan or new ideas to address a challenge? Visit The Center’s user-friendly, FREE library of healthcare design research citations and Key Point Summaries.

Visit the Knowledge Repository

Key Point Summary

Using an Accessible Room Multisensory Stimulation Environment to Reduce Dementia Associated Behaviors

A 2022 study by Prince and colleagues examines the impact of a multisensory stimulation environment (MSSE) for residents of a memory care assisted living center. Findings show promising results with this intervention in managing mood and behavioral disturbances.

Find the full Key Point Summary in the Knowledge Repository!




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The Center for Health Design is a nonprofit 501c(3) organization whose mission is to transform healthcare environments for a healthier, safer world through design research, education and advocacy. Learn more. For information about sponsor or partnership opportunities, contact our VP of Relationship Development, Randy Carter.

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