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The Center for Health Design
The Center for Health Design - Currents Newsletter

February 7, 2019

The Scoop

Commitment to Making a Difference

Our community is always foremost in our mind when we at The Center create resources, tools and events. With a focus on the connection between design and health, we, with our partners, create, launch and deliver programs that provide true value to the healthcare design industry — The Pebble Project, EDAC certification, the Affiliate Program, the HERD Journal, the Healthcare Design and Environments for Aging Expo & Conferences, ICONS and Innovators webinar series, along with the largest collection of healthcare design research, best practices, resources and tools for today’s most urgent and challenging healthcare design issues. 

Maybe you and your team are looking for a way to recharge, learn about new design strategies, meet industry experts and get inspired. We've got several upcoming events that will do just that - make sure you pick up on some of this inspiration and get the following events on your calendar including:

Hopefully, you find all of the resources in this newsletter interesting and helpful. Be sure to share them with your team and as always, let me know what tools and resources are helpful to you and we'll feature them in our future newsletters. 

Be well,

Debra Levin, Hon. FASID, EDAC
President and CEO


Industry News Briefs

Four Ways to Improve Healthcare Employees' Well-being

“Physician, heal thyself.” Facing increased errors, inadequate patient care, and high turnover rates, healthcare facilities are heeding this age-old advice with initiatives to improve the well-being of their doctors, nurses, and administration staff.

Most healthcare organizations already have wellness programs in place that target employees’ physical health. They address the most basic needs of physiological safety, comfort, and fitness via infection control, ergonomics, natural light, healthy food, and exercise.

A 360-degree view of employee wellness

While physical health is critical, though, it’s just the first step. A truly healthy employee, as defined by the American Nurses Association, is “one who focuses actively on creating and maintaining a balance and synergy of physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, personal, and professional well-being.” 
Cincinnati Business Courier, more . . .


Top Three Design Features to Boost the Patient Experience

In today’s healthcare environment, patients have many options. Whether it’s time spent in the waiting room—or to schedule a return visit—time is a critical factor. Therefore, in order to remain competitive while still delivering premium services, building owners are looking for ways to better design their medical facilities for expediency of care. Three top design features to consider when designing for speed of service for patients are 1) wearable devices, 2) flexible layouts and 3) wayfinding.
Medical Construction & Design, more. . .


Updated FGI Guidance Focuses on Designing Mobile Medical Units

Mobile/transportable medical units have been used for many years throughout the United States to provide temporary access to medical and dental services, diagnostic imaging and other nonemergency services.

However, in recent years there has been an increase in the acuity level of patients being served in these units, and the medical services provided have become more complicated and more invasive. In fact, these services are often the same as those offered in permanent structures, but are being provided in spaces without the same oversight and regulation.
Health Facilities Management, more . . .

The Center for Health Design would like to thank our
thought leadership partner:



Join Us Tomorrow - Let us Help You Prepare for the EDAC Exam with an Online EDAC Exam Study Session!

Join EDAC experts for a two-hour, comprehensive online study session to help prepare you to take the EDAC exam. This session provides general information about the exam and the types of questions on the exam, as well as an overview of the five domains included in the exam content outline from which the questions are derived. Speaker presentations will provide a detailed review of content from the three study guides and a summary of key concepts. Sample questions will be reviewed with time for questions.

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the composition of the EDAC exam and how to prepare for the exam. 

  • Review the steps of the evidence-based design process and the key concepts. 

  • Understand how the research process can be applied to healthcare environments. 

  • Learn how to integrate the EBD process as part of the typical design process.

Learn more and register here.



Reimagined Ambulatory Care Delivery, an Interview with John Kouletsis, AIA, EDAC

This interview explores the driving forces that prompted Kaiser Permanente to reimagine and transform ambulatory care delivery. 

Enjoy this free resource here.



We invite you

to join us for Health Design Insights Networking Events

Come meet and connect with The Center's Affiliate members and the regional healthcare design community for "Innovations in Healthcare Design" - an informal, creative presentation, (worth one EDAC/AIA CEU credit), with wine, hors d’oeuvres and networking.

These events are FREE to The Center's Affiliate Members and Partners. Non-members can attend for a $65 donation which can later be applied towards membership. Contact Lynn Kenney for details,

Upcoming Health Design Insights Events: 

San Francisco, April 17

Chicago, July 25

New York, September 26

Classic Resources

Free resources and tools to advance best practices and demonstrate the value of design to improve health outcomes, patient experience of care, and provider/staff satisfaction and performance. 

EDAC Advocate Firm Projects

Come see the projects The Center's EDAC Advocate Firms  have been working on for the past 10 years, including the project's goals, the challenges faced along with the solutions developed.

Interactive Design Diagrams

Healthcare is provided in a variety of settings, from a person’s home to outpatient clinics, to the hospital. While the settings and specific design elements may differ across the continuum of care, the objectives of safety, efficiency, satisfaction, and high quality care remain constant. This set of interactive diagrams provides a link between the evidence base, design strategies, and desired outcomes – in a visually intuitive and actionable format.




The Center for Health Design is a nonprofit 501c(3) organization whose mission is to transform healthcare environments for a healthier, safer world through design research, education and advocacy. Looking for ways to support our work? Contact us.

Donate  •  Become a Pebble Partner  •  Join our Community of Affiliates  •  
Ask Us About Volunteer Opportunities  •  Job Board  •  Contact Us

© 2019 The Center for Health Design






1850 Gateway Boulevard
Concord, CA 94520
United States

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