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COVID 19— Immediate Response: How Clinicians Addressed the Changing Needs of the Healthcare Environment

Course Description

Join this panel of NIHD members to hear the clinician's perspective on what is current in the field regarding the COVID-19 response. The pros and cons of varying approaches to COVID-19 response and future preparedness will be explored, and best practices will be shared with participants.
  •  Joshua Halon, RN, MSN, EDAC, Chief Nursing and Patient Experience Officer, Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana
  • Cathy Massey, BScN RN, MSN, EDAC, Director - Health Facilities Space and Equipment Planning, Fraser Health Facilities Management
  • Connie Nelson, BSN, RN, CASA, CNOR, Lean, ACLS, Founder of Colorado Aces Consulting

This panel will be moderated by NIHD President Elect: Erin Clark, RN, MS, EDAC, Clinical Operations Specialist, ClarkRN Consulting.




Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the immediate needs within three healthcare settings during the first week of COVID-19 response.
  2. Learn what components the current built environment supported during the first week of COVID-19 response.
  3. Learn how interpretation and implementation of CDC guidelines was addressed during the first week of COVID-19 response.
  4. Identify operational/workflow solutions that were implemented in the healthcare settings to address COVID-19 needs.

Click here to register

EDAC Course ID:
July 16, 2020
Class Frequency: