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The Clemson University International Nursing Conference for Excellence in Healthcare 2022

Course Description

At no other time in history has healthcare design changed so rapidly as with the COVID-19 pandemic. The need for facility changes is critical and urgent to accommodate the surge of patients infected with the highly contagious virus. Clearly, the pandemic has affected healthcare design considerations for the future, and the experience has shown us that the unforeseen and unimaginable can quickly become reality. Just as Florence Nightingale’s book, Notes on Nursing reflected her response to the Crimean War, we are in a position to create Notes on Nursing 2.0 for our current day.

This conference is hosted by the Clemson University School of Nursing and the Clemson University Academy of Nursing for Excellence in Design, and is a joint providership with Upstate AHEC (Area Health Education Center).

Click here for more information and registration.


EDAC Course ID:
Multiple IDs
July 28, 2022 to July 30, 2022
Class Frequency: