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Art as a Positive Distraction in Mental and Behavioral Health Facilities

Course Description

Mental and behavioral health environments require special design considerations to promote a therapeutic environment that leads to a path of recovery.  This illustrious panel will provide us with case studies and research about the role that art plays to benefit and support adult and adolescent patients in their journey to well-being. 



Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the Types and Impact in Variety and Interaction Art for Adolescent Patients
  • Understand Art’s Contribution to De-escalation and Therapy Art for Inpatient Populations
  • Learn about Planning for Art and The Key to Thoughtful Selection
  • Understand The Measurable Impact of Art on the Human Experience through the Lens of Neuroscience


  • Spencer Seals – System Vice President of Construction, Real Estate and Facilities Planning.   Cook Children’s Hospital – Variety and Interaction - Art for Adolescent Patients
  • Rachel Samsel – Deputy Associate Commissioner of Strategic Initiatives, Texas HHSC State Hospitals – De-escalation and Therapy - Art for Inpatient Populations
  • Jodi Fernandez – Project Executive, Director of Consulting, Skyline Art – The Importance of Specific Imagery for Calming and Healing Benefits
  • Upali Nanda – Firmwide Director of Research,  HKS and The Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture – The Measurable Impact of Art on the Human Experience

1 CEU Hour

EDAC Course ID:
June 22, 2021
Class Frequency: