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EDAC Course Management Fee

EDAC Course Management Fee
Price: $50.00
or as low as $40.00
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For a program to be approved for EDAC Continuing Education Credits, the program must contain 75% of its content on the eight steps of the evidence-based design process. The eight steps are listed below. Please be prepared to estimate what percentage of each of the steps your program discusses. You will also need to provide 4 learning objectives.
EBD Process
1. Define Evidence-Based Goals and Objectives
2. Find Sources for Relevant Evidence
3. Critically Interpret Relevant Evidence
4.Create and Innovate Design Concepts
5. Develop Your Hypothesis
6. Collect Baseline Performance Measures
7. Monitor Implementation of Design and Construction
8. Measure Post-Occupancy Performance Results
If you are an Affiliate of The Center or employed by an EDAC Advocate Firm, there is no fee to submit a course. Please contact edac@healthdesign.org for more information.
To submit courses for a workshop or conference, please contact Catherine Ancheta at edac@healthdesign.org.