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Parrish Medical Center

Titusville, FL

Parrish opened a 210-bed facility in November 2002 that was planned and constructed with patient healing in mind. This new hospital is not only technologically advanced and efficient, but also patient sensitive and provider friendly.


In 2005, Parrish was named America's #1 Healing Hospital by the Baptist Healing Trust and awarded the nation's first Discovery Award from Starizon and Healthcare Design Magazine for creating patient healing experiences. The design firm for the project was Earl Swensson Associates.


A survey of 734 staff members in 2004 found that the majority feel that the design features, -- access to natural light, improved airflow, separation of public/patient transport areas, and "homelike" patient room design -- positively affect the quality of their worklife and help them provide care more effectively. Staff turnover dropped to 13% a year after the new building opened, a redution from the low 20s in the old facility.




  • Mroczek, J. (2006). Caring for the caregiver. Healthcare Design, 6(2), 18–18,20,22.  “PMC hopes to show that while patients are at the center of the healing environment, design elements can impact staff and caregivers, as well. Ensuring that staff are well supported is central to the functioning of any healthcare facility.”