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Billings Clinic

Billings, Montana

Based in Billings, Montana, Billings Clinic is a community-owned health care organization consisting of a multi-specialty physician group practice, a 285-bed hospital, and a 90-bed skilled nursing and assisted living facility. 

Billings Clinic is the only Montana MAGNET -designated health care organization and a member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network.


Billings Clinic is the community’s largest employer and  serves patients in Montana, Wyoming and the Western Dakotas. With over 320 physicians and non-physician providers, these professionals  work together to provide coordinated and complete care.


Billings Clinic is governed by a 12-member board consisting of nine community members, two physicians, and a physician CEO.  Billings Clinic's vision is to be a national leader in providing the best clinical quality, patient safety, service and value. Shared electronic medical records are one way we have worked towards that goal. 

The electronic medical record  helps both primary care physicians and specialists know the patients' entire health history, the drugs that have been prescribed, and test results. This improves the overall quality, safety and cost of care.


Billings Clinic’s downtown campus consists of: