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Effectiveness of installing overhead ceiling lifts: Reducing musculoskeletal injuries in an extended care hospital unit.

Author(s): Ronald, L. A., Yassi, A., Spiegel, J., Tate, R. B., Tait, D., Mozel, M. R.
High rate of musculoskeletal injuries (MSI) among healthcare workers is well documented. Lifetime prevalence rates of back pain greater than 70 percent have been reported and higher incidence rates of MSI have been observed in healthcare workers compared to the general population and two other occupation groups. Mechanical lifting equipment has been recommended as an effective tool for decreasing the rate and severity of MSI in healthcare workers.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Strategies for Improving Residents' Nighttime Sleep

Author(s): Rahman, A. N., Schnelle, J. F.
Added September 2014

The Eden Alternative: Findings after 1 year of implementation

Author(s): Coleman, M. T., Looney, S., O'Brien, J., Ziegler, C., Pastorino, C. A., Turner, C.
Added September 2014

Perceived Quality of Care: The Influence of the Waiting Room Environment

Author(s): Arneill, A., Devlin, A.
This study is a pioneering effort linking the physical experience of being in physician waiting rooms with perceptions of quality of care. Researchers found that the design/conditions in doctors’ waiting rooms influenced perceptions of the quality of care delivered by the doctors associated with those spaces.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2014

Factors Determining Inpatient Satisfaction With Care

Author(s): Thi, P. L.N. , Briancon,S., Empereur, F., Guillemin, F.
With the growing interest in patient-centered care, patient evaluations of their own experiences have been increasingly used to improve the quality of care. Factors associated with satisfaction are thought to include the structure, process and outcome of care as well as patient sociodemographic, physical and psychological status, and attitudes and expectations concerning medical care.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012

Relaxation music decreases the dose of patient-controlled sedation during colonoscopy: a prospective randomized controlled trial

Author(s): Lee, D.W.H, Chan, K, Poon, C, Ko, C, Chan, K, Sin, K, Chan, A.C.W
Colonoscopy is an unpleasant and stressful procedure which often requires a high doseage of sedatives for the patients. Additionally patient noncompliance with recommendations for colonoscopy procedures can become a challenge in surveilance programs for screening cancer. This study explores the effectiveness of a non-pharmocological intervention, like relaxation music, on patient-controlled sedation.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012

A place to heal: Environmental sources of satisfaction among hospital patients

Author(s): Harris, P. B., McBride, G., Ross, C., Curtis, L.
Visits to the hospital might be infrequent, but are often associated with strong emotions. Considering patient needs reflects the growing focus on service quality and patient satisfaction, which now join clinical quality as a holistic approach to health care delivery. This study identifies sources of environmental satisfaction and dissatisfaction among hospital inpatients and examines the relative contribution of environmental satisfaction to the overall hospital experience.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012

Effect of a rapid assessment clinic on the waiting time to be seen by a doctor and the time spent in the department, for patients presenting to an urban emergency department: a controlled prospective trial

Author(s): Ardagh, M. W. , Wells, J.E. , Cooper, K., Lyons, R., Patterson, R., O'Donovan, P.
Overcrowding in emergency departments is common in most healthcare organizations. Barriers to efficient patient flow in emergency departments (EDs) create bottlenecks through the system. Upon entry to an ED, the triage process determines how quickly someone might be seen, but this process does not take into account how quickly a patient's condition might be managed, but rather the urgency for care. By addressing an additional component of triage, it was hypothesized that ED throughout could be better managed, reducing wait times for all patients, and better utilizing limited ED resources.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012

What about noise?

Author(s): Stanley, K.
Added October 2012

Professional Perspectives On Family- Centered Care

Author(s): Center, C.C.M.
Added October 2012

Teaching cultural competence in health care: A review of current concepts, policies and practices.

Author(s): American Institutes for Research
Added October 2012

Research on the Hosptial Environment of Pediatric Wards in Japan

Author(s): Yoshitaka, T., Yoji, I., Jun'ichi, O., Shinobu, W., Hidetochi, S., Toshikazu, N., Jun'ichiro, F., Asimasa, O., Hiroaki, T.
Added October 2012

Acceptability and impact of pet visitation on a pediatric cardiology inpatient unit

Author(s): Wu, A., Niedra, R., Penderqast, L., McCrindle, B.
Added October 2012

The effect of visual stimuli on pain threshold and tolerance

Author(s): Tse, M.M., Ng, J.K., Chung, J.W., Wong, T.K.
Added October 2012

"Home" improvement. Comfort, safety and privacy emerge as the biggest considerations in hospital design and construction

Author(s): Solovy, A.
Added October 2012

Factors that support and do not support the staying of mothers in a hospital pediatric unit

Author(s): Siqueira Lda, S., Sigaud, C.H., Rezende, M.A.
Added October 2012

Do patients and their relatives prefer single cubicles or shared wards?

Author(s): Pease, N.J., Finlay, I.G.
Added October 2012

Patient and staff satisfaction with the quality of in-patient psychiatric care in a Nigerian general hospital.

Author(s): Olusina, A.K., Ohaeri, J.U., Olatawura, M.O.
Added October 2012

Architectural planning of children's hosptial wards from a point of view of play environment as assessed by children

Author(s): Naka, A., Senda, M., Tsuji, Y., Yata, T.
Added October 2012

Patients' Satisfaction with Psychiatric Treatment: Comparison Between an Open and a Closed Ward

Author(s): Muller, M.J., SchlÃsser, R., Kapp-Steen, G., Schanz, B., Benkert, O.
Added October 2012