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Insights & Solutions

Project Brief
May 2019 Project Brief

Learn about: how a variety of approaches—including research, observation, and process mapping exercises—were used in conjunction to develop the new design plans, why the architectural team relied on existing staff, patients, and families to understand which needs to address in the redesign, and how envisioning the new center as a “house” could better support the needs of patients and families.

Project Brief
April 2017 Project Brief

Learn about: evidence-based design solutions to address throughput challenges in today’s overcrowded emergency departments, the importance of aligning research design with organizational operations and processes for successful research, and the advantages of basing research methods on previous studies. 

Project Brief
March 2015 Project Brief

Learn about: sustainable healthcare and what it means to Adelante, the organization's method to evaluate design and operational needs for their new flagship facility, and specific strategies implemented to improve patient and provider communication.