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Workshop: Putting Evidence-Based Design into Practice

When: June 24, 2016
Time: 8:00am Eastern
Where: Boston, MA United States
Price: $795

•  1-day workshop
•  EBD books & resources ($200 value)
•  6 AIA/EDAC continuing education units
•  Breakfast & lunch


This workshop is designed to provide an introduction and understanding of evidence-based design (EBD), and how to integrate EBD concepts into your work.


Have you wondered what evidence-based design (EBD) is and why it’s important? Or are you EDAC-certified and planning or designing a project and want to use the EBD process? If so, attend this in-depth workshop to learn directly from industry experts. This workshop is designed to provide an introduction to EBD to help you understand how to integrate EBD concepts into your work and put them into practice. Consider attending as a team and learn how to integrate the EBD process together. 

Healthcare organizations today are faced with increased transparency surrounding patient-safety and quality issues, declining reimbursement, the shift from volume to value, and the need to bend the cost curve as provisions from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act take effect. Learn more about these issues and how the built environment can bring solutions. This day will prepare you to be a better partner by providing you with the knowledge and tools to address the challenges facing healthcare today.



Workshop runs from 8:00am - 3:30pm. Once you register for this workshop, The Center for Health Design will contact you to complete a questionnaire prior to attending the workshop. Each attendee receives a bundle of EBD books and resources from The Center for Health Design ($200 retail value).


Event Venue:

The NonProfit Center
89 South Street
Boston, MA 02111
United States

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to apply the EBD process.
  • Review research concepts.
  • Discuss challenges of putting EBD into  practice.



​"I found this inspiring, really exciting, I had no idea that there was this intelligent thoughtful and really amazing group supported by tons of research – a fantastic group of people and wonderful references." 

— Ann Showan-Slade, MD, consultant, past workshop attendee

"The big thing I’m taking away from today is the tools. I think that there is a lot here that we can use both in design and, almost more importantly, to help educate our clients and help them understand the importance of what we do as architects and the value we can bring to a project."  

— Eric Eschenbrenner, architect, past workshop attendee

"It [this workshop] has been very enlightening and it’s very exciting to see this type of organization where we have the resources available to us to make a positive impact on design."

— Chad Okinaka, architect, past workshop attendee

"I've worked on both sides of the houses now -- I’ve been in a design firm and worked for an owner and I think what I am excited about in hearing all the conversations today is how we are trying to define the value that we bring. It is a really exciting time for us to help improve what we instinctively know is EBD; bring leaders into the conversation early and then continue to have dialogue with them during and after the project."

— Paul Tylar, design excellence lead, past workshop attendee