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The Future of Primary Care in the First LEED Platinum Community Health Center

CHD 2014 Changemaker Award Winner Avein Saaty-Tafoya, CEO of Adelante Healthcare, outlines the Vision, Planning, Construction, and Implementation phases of the 43,000 sq ft Comprehensive Health Center that is Adelante Healthcare Mesa. Adelante and its CEO went through a transformation in parallel from an organizational and leadership perspective reinventing the Community Health Center facility template to include a wide variety of evidence-based design features, sustainability efforts, and improved service delivery processes that has resulted in the first LEED Platinum certified Community Health Center in the nation as well as accreditation as a Patient Centered Medical Home. By engaging staff, patients, board members, the CHD Pebble design community and research partners at CHD and AZ State University, Adelante has demonstrated that EBD Is not only possible but an asset when the not-for-profit and ambulatory sectors of the system are developing Capital projects. Community health centers can adopt innovative practices and institutionalize EBD as they expand and grow within the transformation of the broader healthcare system.