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Ellen Taylor, PhD, AIA, MBA, EDAC

Ellen Taylor brings more than 30 years of experience in architecture, research, and business to leading The Center’s research team. She is a registered architect and member of the AIA who has been the recipient of the Facility Guidelines Institute Pioneer Award (2023) and the Healthcare Design HCD10 Award (Researcher, 2017), both awards recognizing significant contributions to the industry. A nationally and internationally recognized writer and speaker, she has led numerous grant-funded research programs and published numerous peer-reviewed papers. Ellen has a bachelor’s degree in architecture from Cornell University’s College of Architecture, Art and Planning, Global Executive MBA degrees from Columbia University and London Business School, and a PhD in design, patient safety and human factors from Loughborough University in England. She is a past president of the AIA Academy of Architecture for Health and currently serves as the Vice Chair for the FGI Health Guidelines Revisions Committee, the co-editor of the Health Environments Research & Design (HERD) Journal, and an Editorial Advisory Board member for the American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC).